
【世界大賽】歐美網友看SKT vs. SSG:應該要調查一下看Bang有沒有收錢

商品訊息描述: 世界大賽來到最後的總決賽,由SKT出戰SSG,前者尋求三連霸,後者則是想報去年的一箭之仇。這場精采絕倫的頂上對決最後由SSG直落三擊敗SKT,來看看Reddit鄉民的反應吧!


Bang flash R as Varus: dives into dragon pit and dies. Ruler flash R as Varus: wins Worlds Bang法洛士閃R:閃到龍池中死去 Ruler法洛士閃R:拿下世界冠軍

Ladies and gentleman, End of an era. 3-0 KT to Go on worlds 3-0 Longzhu in Quarters 3-0 SKT in Finals Welcome to the era of SSG. 各位先生女士,時代終結了: 先是3-0 KT打進世界賽 再在八強賽3-0冠軍熱門LZ 最後在決賽3-0SKT 歡迎來到SSG的時代

Brother Bang Ba新竹 視訊直播學生打工存錢工作薪水 新竹 視訊直播學生打工存錢工作 新竹 視訊直播年薪百萬存錢工作薪資 新竹 視訊直播年薪百萬存錢工作工作ng老兄

How to throw a series with one ability 要怎麼只用一招戳掉比賽(答案:Bang的R)

bang needs be investigated for being pa南投名間埔里大夜班工作有哪些 花蓮台東大夜班工作有哪些 宜蘭羅東礁溪大夜班工作有哪些 墾丁大夜班工作有哪些id under the table .... that was the hardest throw ive ever seen .... even worse than doublelift 應該要調查一下Bang是不是收了外圍的錢... 我看過最戳的一個...甚至比Doublelift還扯

Faker crying holy shit bro... 天阿...Faker哭了...

Yeah that was intense crying. Fuck I feel bad for him. 真的,他哭得很激動。看他哭成這樣我也很難過。

Watching him crumple into his chair after shaking SSG's hands was heartbreaking ;( 看到他跟SSG的選手握手後伏在桌上哭真的很心碎 ;(

Holy FUCK AMBITION is a WORLD CHAMPION!!!!! As a reminder, the last time Ambition won a championship of any kind was the VERY FIRST season of OGN (Spring 2012) 媽的安掌門終於成為世界冠軍了!! 溫馨提示:他上一次奪得冠軍已經是好幾年前的事了(2012年OGN春季賽)

More importantly... Ex-DIGNITAS LEGEND COREJJ is WORLD CHAMP 更重要的是.... 前DIG選手CoreJJ是世界冠軍

The Ruler takes down the King. 統治者(一詞多義梗)擊敗了王者。

Faker actually looks destroyed at the end. Looks broken for getting caught out. I can't help but feel for him. He played his heart out this worlds. Even with this he is still the greatest player of all time by a wide margin. Faker最後看起來好像崩潰了,他被抓掉之後整個壞了。我不得不為他感到難過。 他這次世界賽真的用生命在打。就算他沒有成功奪冠,他仍然是世界上最偉大的選手。

Seeing Faker cry hurts more than I expected. He's been the stoic demon god for so long that watching him be so outwardly heartbroken stings. :( 看Faker哭成這樣,我也比想像中還要難過。他一直以來給大家的感覺就是很堅強/大魔王。看他哭成這樣真的為他感到心碎 :(

DESPITE THEIR LOSS, MAD RESPECT TO WHAT THIS TEAM HAS ACHIEVED. 3 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TITLES. BUT ALL DYNASTIES EVENTUALLY HAVE TO COME TO AN END. ...also, Bang is going to get flamed so fucking hard by Inven for this. 雖然他們輸了,但還是要欽佩一下他們的成就: 三次世界冠軍 可惜的是,所有朝代總會有終結的一天。 ...同時,今天的Bang應該會被Inven炎上噴到死了。

Deserved. I think Bang saved Ruler THREE TIMES with his ulti on the last match, including the last fight. (Bang)被噴也是應該的。我看Bang最後一場至少用大招救了Ruler三次,最後一個團戰也是。

Their team's Varus: Ruler Your team's Varus: Bang 別人的法洛士:Ruler 隊友的法洛士:Bang

2013 : SKT vs RYL 3-0 2015 : SKT vs KOO 3-1 2016 : SKT vs SSG 3-2 2017 : SKT vs SSG 0-3 THE GAP HAS BEEN CLOSED between skt and other korean teams 2013 : SKT vs. RYL 3-0 2015 : SKT vs. KOO 3-1 2016 : SKT vs. SSG 3-2 2017 : SKT vs. SSG 0-3 SKT跟其他韓國隊伍的差距縮小了

As soon as Kobe said that Bang and Wolf need to step it up huge this game, I knew that it was over 當我桃園 視訊主播正職人員工作職缺工作職缺 桃園 視訊主播正職人員工作職缺薪水 桃園 視訊主播正職人員工作職缺 桃園 視訊主播正職人員工作薪資聽到Kobe說Bang跟Wlof要跳出來Carry的時候,我就知道SKT完了。

Faker can go eat dinner now. Faker現在真的可以(提早)吃晚飯了。

PraY has still only been knocked out of worlds by the eventual winner: S2: 0-2 TPA S3: 2-3 SKT S5: 1-3 SKT S6: 2-3 SKT S7: 0-3 SSG PraY可可被冠軍隊伍淘汰的詛咒還要繼續發威: S2:0-2 TPA S3:2-3 SKT S5:1-3 SKT S6:2-3 SKT S7:0-3 SSG





  • 【世界大賽】SKT T1 Faker:出加里歐造型的話也沒關係!


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